Friday 11 January 2013

Analysis: Opening of Seven

Se7en opening analysis:

In the opening of Se7en the first thing we see is a man getting ready for work we find out later he is Detective Somerset (Morgan Freeman). While he is getting ready for work he is standing in darkness this could represent that he is bad. There is a chess table which shows that he is patient and methodical. He's standing in a room that has no colour which is a stereotype that there are no women and children living with him. The sound is diegetic so you can here is people loudly talking. The setting is urban, everything the detective carries around with him is placed out in order, this shows that the detective may have OCD. We can see that he may have had an army background as the bed is made perfectly like it should be if you were in the army. Colours are all neutral. iconography of a classic detective. When we see Detective Mills (Brad Pitt) his character is scruffy, normal white shirt but creased and a leather jacket which could represent that he's rebellious. The sound effect is a thunderstorm which could mean that something is going to happen so its the calm before the storm.

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